A unique mule of an obverse of Constantine II with a reverse intended for the Augusti
Los 2794
Constantine II, as Caesar, 316-337. Follis (Bronze, 20 mm, 3.51 g, 12 h), Rome, 317. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB CAES Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantine II to right, seen from behind. Rev. SOLI IN-VI-CT[O COMI]TI / A / R T Sol, nude but for chlamys, standing front, head to left, raising his right hand in salute and holding globe in his left. RIC -. Apparently unpublished and unique. Somewhat rough and with minor traces of overstriking on the obverse, otherwise, about very fine.

From the collection of Dr. L. Ramskold, formed since 1969.

This unique mule features an obverse of Constantine II paired with a reverse intended for the Augusti. RIC does not list any SOLI INVICTO reverses for the Caesars in this emission, which followed the official recognition of the three Caesars - Crispus, Constantine, and Licinius - on 1 March 317. There are faint traces of overstriking before and beneath the letters ON in the obverse legend, suggesting an overstrike on a Constantine I obverse. This coin could be a trial piece for a new die or perhaps the result of a Constantine coin becoming stuck in the hammer die and subsequently struck again after a Constantine II die was placed in the anvil.
25 CHF
40 CHF
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